The concepts you should know before learning a Front-end framework
There are a lot of great samples and posts out there to help get you started with a Front-end framework as Angular, React, Vue … So in this post, I will provide the list of concepts you should know and you have the skill necessary to learn.
- Understanding JavaScript objects
- JavaScript Variable Scope and Hoisting
- Understanding JavaScript’s “this”
- Understand JavaScript Closures
- JavaScript’s Apply, Call, and Bind Methods
- let
- Constants
- Creating objects
- Destructuring assignment
- Default parameters and values
- Spread/Rest operator
- Classes
- Promises
- Arrow functions
- Sets and Maps
- Template literals
- Modules
- Types as in TypeScript
- Enums
- Return types
- Interfaces
- Optional arguments
- Functions as property
- Classes
- Decorators
Written on April 30, 2017